We are excited to be hosting a ROS-I Community Meeting. This is an open meeting to discuss recent activities by the regional Consortia, and a few updates by development partners. Currently we are slated for Jun 23, 2020, 14:00.
The virtual meeting will be hosted on Zoom and registration is required. You can register via this link.
Stay tuned. Tentative agenda is as follows:
14:00 – Welcome
14:05 – ROS-I Americas Update - M. Robinson & Levi Armstrong, SwRI
14:20 – ROS-I Asia-Pacific Update - Erik Unemyr, ROS-I AP
14:40 – ROS-I EU Update - Christoph Hellman Santos, Fraunhofer IPA
14:55 – Proposing a Cartesian trajectory interface for ROS - Felix Exner, Research Scientist, FZI Research Center
15:10 – Securing Robots for the long term - Adi Singh, Product Manager - Robotics at Canonical
15:35 – ROS2 migration and next-generation ROS features - Henning Kayser - Roboticist, PickNik
About our guest speakers:
Felix Exner: Felix Exner is a Research scientist at the FZI Research Center for Information Technology where he has been working with ROS for the last 5 years. He primarily is working on applications using robotic manipulators with advanced control strategies such as force-control.
Mr. Exner is currently supporting a joint ROSin project between Universal Robots and FZI developing an interface for executing Cartesian trajectories similar to the well-known follow_joint_trajectory interface. As this is currently in the design phase which will result in an REP, the team would like to discuss with the ROS community to have as many different opinions as possible contributing to the resulting interface definition.
Adi Singh: Adi Singh is the Product Manager for robotics and automotive at Canonical. An ardent maker, he brings subject matter expertise in robotics and has experience working for and with OEMs, Tier1 and Tier2 suppliers. Previously, he was the Principal Scientist for aerial robotics at Ford Motor Company.
Regarding this presentation: Migrating between software versions is a hassle. After you’ve spent years developing and deploying your flagship products on a steady software foundation, chances are that a major transition would break your build. Canonical will discuss how it plans to support ROS Kinetic beyond its end-of-life, and save you the trouble of transitioning your infrastructure to a newer ROS distro.
Henning Kayser: Henning Kayser holds an M.S. in Computer Science from the University of Hamburg with focus on motion planning and machine learning. Broad experience with autonomous robots and scenarios with unstable dynamics such as liquid pouring or pushing of objects. Henning first started working with MoveIt in 2016 while maintaining robots at a robotics lab as a student and became MoveIt Maintainer right after joining PickNik Robotics in 2018. Since joining PickNik, Henning has been an Applied Robotics Engineer and Project Manager, and is now lead of the MoveIt2 development project.
Henning will be shareing An update about the ongoing ROS2 migration progress and upcoming releases. Overview of the future roadmap milestones, highlighting realtime support and ROS2-specific enhancements.
Thanks in advance,
Matt R.
ROS-I Americas Program Manager