ROS News for the Week of October 3rd, 2022
An Open Letter to the Robotics Industry and our Communities: General Purpose Robots Should Not be Weaponized – Coverage at: NPR, Robot Report, Boston Dynamics, IEEE Spectrum, Vice, ZDNet, Axios, Techcrunch, Clearpath
Gazebo Garden was released this week! Swag available until 10/10/2022.
- 10/11/2022 Women in Robotics at Apex.AI
- 10/12/2022 ROS-I Industrial Manipulation Workshop
- 10/13/2022 pre-ROSCon Party in San Francisco
- 10/17/2022 Intro to ROS 2 and the Create 3 Course
- 10/18/2022 ROS-I Training in Boston
- 10/19/2022 Robotics Startup Bootcamp
- 10/19/2022 Ag Robotics Conference
- 10/19/2022 → 10/21/2022 ROSCon – Registration Open
- 10/20/2022 ROS Meetup Zurich
- 11/9/2022 → 11/10/2022 ROS-I Asia Pacific Workshop
- 11/12/2022 Px4 X ROS Workshop in Spanish
- General Purpose Robots Should Not be Weaponized – Coverage at: NPR, Robot Report, Boston Dynamics, IEEE Spectrum, Vice, ZDNet, Axios, Techcrunch, Clearpath
- NYT Opinion: In The Battle with Robots, Human Workers are Winning
- Amazon ends testing of Scout delivery robots
- IHMC’s Nadia Is a Versatile Humanoid Teammate
- Dusty Robotics Promo Video
- Robots are making French fries faster, better than humans
- Why Modern Warehouses Need Vendor-Agnostic Robot Fleet Management
- KISS-ICP: In Defense of Point-to-Point ICP – Simple, Accurate, and Robust Registration If Done in the Right Way
- OpenCV Weekly #77: Paula Ramos
- NerF Studio (Cool)
- OpenCV 76 - Archaeology with Computer Vision
- PyPose: A Library for Robot Learning with Physics-based Optimization
- Watch a Cassie bipedal robot run 100 meters
- Video Friday: RobOctoberfest
- Gazebo Garden Released
2022 ROS and Gazebo User Survey
– Please take a moment.
- Davide Faconti of Plot Juggler on Sense Think Act Podcast
- Standard Message for Marine Radars
- Checking if ROS distro is newer than one specyfied in package.xml
- Detecting Objects in Point Clouds Using ROS 2 and TAO-PointPillars
- New! Tutorials on ROS 1 and ROS 2 Parameters
- Installing ROS2 on Ubuntu 22.04
- ROS Wrapper for NeuralRecon
- ROS 2 — DDS Shaping The Future of Next Generation Robotics and Autonomous Vehicles
- Behavior Trees in Robotics (Part 1 - Concept)
- ROS2 + Edge Impulse, Part 2: MicroROS
- OpenCV AI Scavenger Hunt
- ROS 2: How to create a Moveit2 package