ROS News for the Week of August 29th, 2022
Our friends from Clearpath Robotics were on the Sense, Think, Act Podcast to Discuss the TurtleBot4
Gazebo Garden T-Shirts Now on Sale!
- 9/10/2022 PyBay Talk on RCLPY
- 9/14/2022 β 9/16/2022 We Robot Conference (Robot Ethics)
- 9/21/2022 ROS-Industrial Community Meeting
- 10/1/2022 Mass Robotics Robot Block Party
- 10/3/2022 β 10/7/2022 Open Deep Robotics Summer School
- 10/12/2022 ROS-I Industrial Manipulation Workshop
- 10/18/2022 ROS-I Training in Boston
- 10/19/2022 Robotics Startup Bootcamp
- 10/19/2022 β 10/21/2022 ROSCon β Registration Open
- 11/9/2022 β 11/10/2022 ROS-I Asia Pacific Workshop
Anyone interested in a pre-ROSCon Party in San Francisco?
- OpenCV Weekly: 2022 AI Competition
- History: the Grandfather of Robotics
- Robot Wallpaper for September
- MCUNet: Tiny Deep Learning on IoT Devices
- RaspberryPi ToF Camera Kickstarter
- ARM Institute conducting national AI survey
- Learning Minimum-Time Flight in Cluttered Environments
- 3PL GEODIS deploying 1,000 more Locus Robotics AMRs
- AirSeed Technologies, CAL International partner to plant 100M trees with drones
- UP Bridge Partners with Intel to Introduce Robotic Development Kits
- Maker Faire JP Cuboid Robot
- Peer Robotics: Bringing Humans in the Loop to help SMEs Automate
- Burro Ag Robot on Post Harvest Podcast
- A robot named Baxter wanted to change the world of work, but his career ended early
- Luum Eyelash Extension Robot Seeks Crowd Funding
- August 2022 Gazebo Community Meeting Recording
- Updates for Citadel and Fortress
- Gazebo Garden T-Shirts Now on Sale!
- TurtleBot4 Developers on Sense, Think, Act
- ROS Discourse Chat
- MoveIt Weekly Recording
- Elephant Robotics myAgv
- pre-ROSCon Party in San Francisco?
- Update for Isaac ROS
- Complexity / Performance Analyzer and Consideration
- ROS 2 Mobile Robotics Series
- TurtleBot3 Behavior Demos
- Managing fleets of robots with Open-RMF with Yadunund Vijay
- Multi-Hypothesis AMCL with Nav2
- Dobot MG400 Mock Server Package
- C++ YOLOPv2 with TensorRT
- AAEON launches UP Xtreme i11 & UP Squared 6000 robotic development kits
- CSIRO Multi-Robot Nav Stack Demo
- Ethercat ROS 2 Driver
- Building a Custom React Panel with Foxglove Studio Extensions
- An Open Framework for Additive Manufacturing