ROS PMC Meeting Minutes 2024-12-10

The ROS PMC meeting for this week was just a few hours ago. The notes from the meeting are available at ROS PMC weekly meeting agenda - Google Docs. This week we:

  • Discussed the TGC project representative
  • Did the final discussion on the Client Library Working Group charter before voting for it
  • Got a report on some new issues on the buildfarm
  • Now that Iron went EOL, did an Iron restrospective
  • Talked about naming of APIs
  • Talked about the lifetime of rcl/rclcpp entities

The next ROS PMC meeting will be on December 17: Open Source Robotics Foundation official events.

The ROS PMC meets on a weekly basis to discuss details of the ROS 2 core. This is a working meeting, where only members of the ROS PMC and associated committers may speak. However, anyone is welcome to join as an observer. Come and find out how ROS 2 is developed!

If you have questions or comments, please leave them in this thread.