ROS News for the Week of December 9th, 2024

ROS News for the Week of December 9th, 2024

:cn: :tada: Our first ever ROSCon in China happened in Shanghai over the weekend! We want to congratulate the organizers on orchestrating such an impressive event. You can find a recap of ROSCon China here.

ROS 2 Iron Irwini is now officially end-of-life. If you are currently using Iron please consider upgrading to Jazzy!

Check out the HARP2 robot that was posted to the ROS Discord server yesterday. The developer’s website is full of really great posts that are worth checking out, especially on the topic of microROS.

The team behind TidyBot2 at Stanford and Princeton have open sourced the hardware for their robot. The robot supports a variety of arms and configurations allowing you to build a clone using hardware you may already have in the lab. See the docs for more details.

This week ROS Industrial released a comprehensive list of depth cameras for robotics applications. Even if you don’t need a new depth camera I recommend bookmarking this website for future website.

I want to send a big shout out @abaeyens for putting together this fantastic documentation on ROS 2 integration testing for :tada:

People often ask us how they can best contribute to the project. My recommendation is that when you run across something that feels not poorly documented take the time to summarize what you learned while figuring out how to solve the problem. That’s exactly what @abaeyens
did in this case and the results are excellent




Got a minute? :alarm_clock:

All we want for Christmas are pull requests to the ROS 2 docs. :gift: