ROS Poland user group creation

@tfoote Here in Poland, we have a lot of passionate roboticists and some companies that already belong to the ROS Community like Husarion, or Leo Rover, and that’s why we propose the creation of this local group.

Name: ROS Poland user group
Language of preference: Polish and English (we want to be open to people living in Poland but not speaking Polish).

Welcome to the Polish group of the ROS community. This group aims to promote local events, news and projects in Poland, as well as to share knowledge in the area of open-source robotics for Polish people. This group is open to everyone living in Poland or speaking Polish, no matter the level of expertise. Let’s show that Poland is relevant to the ROS community.


Great idea! I would be happy to join such a group. I think that the interest in ROS among Polish engineers is growing significantly. :+1:

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I also think this is great idea. I’ve been watching the market in Poland very closely and there are more and more companies using ROS. From what I’m hearing ROS is also gaining some traction in academia in some Universities and hopefully this trend will continue.

I’m just over the border from Poland and I’ll be more than happy to contribute and help with events if time allows.


Great idea! I’ve made you a category here:

Can one of you please provide me with some Polish text to put in the “About” topic, and a shorter text for the category description?


@gbiggs as you requested:
Short description:
Welcome to the Poland group of the ROS community.

A Polish blurb:
Witamy w polskiej grupie społeczności ROS. Celem naszej grupy jest promowanie wydarzeń, wiadomości oraz projektów związanych z robotyką w Polsce. Ponadto pragniemy stworzyć możliwość dzielenia się wiedzą z obszaru otwartej robotyki. Zapraszamy każdą osobę mieszkającą w Polsce czy też mówiącą po polsku, która jest zainteresowana robotyką niezależnie od jej stopnia wiedzy i doświadczenia. Pokażmy, że Polska jest istotna w społeczności ROS.

:poland: :poland: :poland: :poland: :poland:
I approve the formation of this user group.


I might be overdue for another visit. Maybe next year after ROSCon. :wink:

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