ROS2 Navigation - Input requested

We have been using parts of the nav stack for quite some while now, however, we were using our own state machines instead of the default move_base one. Recently we switched to so we could implement our own high level logic and switch planners on run time, e.g. docking planner, wall following planner, line following planner, default dwa_planner. But I think the best thing of move base flex is the action interface. This also allows users to implement planners in python that are not dependent on the costmap_2d representation. We have been using for example to draw graphs with rviz and plan routes along this graph and follow these paths with a line follower using LQR or simple PD controllers. I am also involved in the Robocup@Home competition, here we often have to various areas instead of poses. Therefore, we expressed our goals with goal constraints instead of poses ( ). This allowed for sending goals like: ‘In front of the table’ or ‘close to the sofa’ or ‘in the living room’. Long story … to sum up, our wish list:

  • More rich goal definition (volumes or constraints) on geometric level
  • Action interface for planners / controllers and recovery on geometric level that is independent of planning representation (enables implementing planners / controllers in other languages + own world models + custom top level behavior)
  • Action definition for topological planning that relates to geometric plans / goals
  • Playground package with simple simulator that provides an overview of the various planners and controller combination that people can try.