I’d completely forgotten about this, but see roseco (http404error/roseco).
Connected to the discussion(s) about (quality) metrics.
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I’d completely forgotten about this, but see roseco (http404error/roseco).
Connected to the discussion(s) about (quality) metrics.
That’s cool. Would probably make sense to think about to add additional metrics discussed in the metrics thread to this project. The known issue "No distinction between Run, Build, and Buildtool dependencies."
blurs the ouptut but could probably be addressed with reasonable time invest.
This is actually one of the tools where I got ideas from to develop the prototype for HAROS. The initial version implemented similar metrics to roseco
as well, but we dropped those as the tool evolved.
I do not think the number of analysis tools is an issue in this case, otherwise I could look into merging these metrics into HAROS again.