Seeking interviews with robotics companies to guide new economic development program

Hi ROS Users,

I am helping to design a new economic development initiative in the software-for-robotics space. Would you help me?

I would like to ask you 6 questions by phone or Zoom. The interview will last no more than 30 minutes and your answers will be kept anonymous. Anyone working at a software-for-robotics company of any size is invited to participate.

Please use this link to book an interview slot. Use the arrows to change weeks and click on any of the times labeled Robotics Interviews to reserve it. Be sure to leave your name and preferred contact number/method.

If you are personally unable or uninterested, please share this post with a suitable person on your team. Your answers are important to create a more business-friendly environment for robotics companies.

Thank you,
Trey Gordner (LinkedIn / Github)

Could you give a little bit more information about who this is for, how the results will be used and if the data will be made public?


No problem. I’m a student researcher at Virginia Tech. My office makes recommendations on regional economic development policy and grantmaking. We were recently asked to evaluate a proposal related to robotics innovation (you’ll hear more about it in the interview, but I don’t want to share too much here and bias the results). We are interviewing members of the robotics software industry to help decisionmakers decide whether to fund the program and for how much.

This is an internal study, so we do not intend to make the data public. However, participants may request a copy of the final report if they are interested. Let me know if you have any other questions!

Update 4/6: while interviews are preferred, I have also created a written survey option. The study closes next Friday (4/16), so please book an interview slot or complete the survey by then if you are interested in participating.

Thank you to all of the ROS contributors who have participated already. It has been a pleasure learning from you about the robotics community and its upcoming challenges and opportunities.

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