Sensors supported in ROS2

Do you have a list or recommendation on sensors supported by ROS2 (dashing)? I can see a list of sensors supported by ROS - > Is this list supported by ROS2 ?

I want to buy a 3d Lidar and/or a 3d camera for 3D slam. I have a turtlebot3 waffle_pi. If anyone has had success with ROS2 and a 3d sensor, I would be very happy to hear about it.

I’ve had success using the Intel RealSense D435 RGB-D camera with ROS2 systems. Intel provides a ROS2 driver for it at

A couple of months ago I ported the velodyne driver to ROS 2: . It isn’t released into Dashing yet, but you can build it from source and it works pretty well.

There is another effort going on to make a more realtime version of the Velodyne driver:


I think the documents and GitHub page below will help you.

I am using Orbbec Astra under ROS2 with this driver:

Thanks for your answer! Do you need the intel board to interface with these cams? I current have the rpi.