Space Station OS released! - a future where anyone can develop space stations.

Space Station OS (SSOS) is an open-source development platform for space stations, built on ROS 2 to support interoperability, modularity, and scalability across various space station projects.

By unifying core functions like thermal control, power, and life support into reusable modules, Space Station OS provides a universal environment that allows engineers globally to develop and operate space stations collaboratively. This enables rapid innovation and cross-mission compatibility, lowering development costs and enhancing sustainable space station operations.

Space Station OS represents a global effort to democratize space station technology, welcoming contributions from the international aerospace and robotics communities.

Visit us:


Sounds like a great project to work on, How do I contribute to this project?


Congrats on this announcement Hiroki!

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Thank you, you can drop me a line any time (LinkedIn preffered but email is file), and I announce weekly technical meeting invitation here in discourse so let’s discuss there!

Space Station OS team will have a weekly technical meeting kickoff on Nov. 18th, starting 11pm (Japan Standard Time)/7am (PST). Please join us!

-Overview and status from us
-How to contribute
-About technical meeting

Our plan is running technical meeting every Monday after 11/18.

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Please submit an event so we can get it on the calendar!


:rocket:Announcement for the next Space Station OS technical MTG!

Starting December 2nd, we will meet every other Monday at 2024-12-02T15:00:00Z.

:link:Join us here:

This time we will hold a discussion on electrical power generation demo developed by contributors, together with members who contributed to ISS development and involved in space robotics development.