2020/12/16 15:00 UTC
- Geoffrey Biggs (TSC chair)
- Shinpei Kato (AWF Board)
- Cheng Chen (Autocore)
- Hiroshi Igata (ODD WG Lead)
- David Van Geyn (AutonomouStuff)
- Yang Zhang (Linaro)
- Otake (Macnica)
- Stephane Strahm (Kalray)
- Josh Whitley (AWF)
- Matt Spencer (Arm)
- Joe Speed (ADLINK)
- Akihiko Tsukuda (eSOL)
- Jeff Johnson (Mapless AI)
- Adam Dabrowski (Robotec.AI)
Minutes: Geoffrey Biggs
Opening remarks and new member introductions (Board)
The board election attracted 5 nominees and 16 votes. All nominees were elected. The new board members are:
- Robert Hambrick (AutonomouStuff/Hexagon)
- Shinpei Kato (Tier IV)
- Jim Liu (ADLink)
- Girish Shirasat (Arm)
- Yang Zhang (Linaro/96boards)
There is a general meeting coming up on the 17th/18th of December.
New member: Smart Micro
Confirmation of previous minutes
Minutes approved.
Action items review
- Send out information on running a working group to the two new leads of the hardware group.
- Geoff Biggs
- Action taken: Information sent, accounts set up, etc.
TSC Chair election
- One person from each Premium member organization of the Autoware Foundation shall have a voting right. All the members who meet the requirement shall have eligibility to be nominated for election.
- Nominations will be accepted until January 8, 2021. Self-nominations shall only be accepted.
- Nominees are required to submit a Self-nomination Statement within 150 words describing the nominee’s interest for serving on the TSC Chair. This document is distributed among Premium members.
- A vote of confidence will be held for Premium members between January 11, 2021 and January 15, 2021 . Voting will be conducted by Google Forms.
- Each Premium member must vote “YES” or “NO” for each nominee to indicate support for the person.
- Nominees that achieves the highest number of votes will be appointed as TSC chair, subject to the Board of Directors’ approval.
- In any case in which there is a tie vote of the total number of confidence votes, Shinpei Kato, the current Chairman of the Board of Directors shall make a decision.
- The requirement for the Autoware Foundation TSC Chair is as follows:
- TSC Chair must be able to commit equivalent 1/2 FTE time on the Autoware Foundation matters, managing team, working on technical aspects of the Autoware Foundation open source projects.
- TSC Chair must be able to perform his or her duty with sufficient technical knowledge and skills. In-depth knowledge of the Autoware open source software stack is a prerequisite.
Working group report: Autonomy Software
The merge from the integration branch (which we used for integration/testing/fixes prior to the AVP demo) to master is finally complete! A few more docs have been added and clean-up work is ongoing. Still looking for additional contributors but don’t expect much additional work between now and January 1st. Kick-off meeting for the Cargo Delivery ODD is scheduled for December 17/18 - early morning US time. See ROS Discourse post for more info, including preliminary agenda. Current clean-up milestone is scheduled for completion on (or about) January 31st. Will update next TSC as to feasibility.
1.15.0 release is still on hold pending release of tvm_vendor package to ROS Build Farm. Package sync is tentatively scheduled for December 22nd or 23rd. After this, in-vehicle testing must still be done so release won’t happen this year. Request testing from member companies (AutonomouStuff? TCS? others?). Testing can be done prior to release of tvm_vendor as all other features/fixes are in.
Racing ODD
Josh contributed new instructions to F1TENTH for using an NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX as the compute platform. Currently in the process of releasing a standard API for communicating with the hardware controller for the F1TENTH platform: GitHub - f1tenth/vesc: Repository for the VESC Controller (ROS1 and ROS2). Working on updating/reorganizing F1TENTH docs: Top-Level Reorganization · Issue #52 · f1tenth/f1tenth_doc · GitHub. For IAC, working with Clemson to provide a standardized set of ROS messages to communicate with both the DeepOrange F1 car and the ANSYS simulator.
Working group report: Operational Design Domain
Working group members have been working diligently on creating machine readable scenarios, but a few issues have been identified with the tools, so we’re still working on it.
As reported earlier, the initial goal was December 1st and we now aim to collect the comprehensive machine scenario deck by next week.
After that, we’ll be starting discussion on how we can accept LGSVL and other E2E simulators and more abstract scenario formats.
FTE activity reports review
FTE activity reports 2020_12_16.pdf (87.1 KB)