It’s been over a year since we started working with the broader robotics community to map the Aerial Robotics landscape in a way that would help lower the entry barrier for folks getting started in the crazy field of aerial robotics (AKA Drones!)
As you probably know from our ROSCon talk last year, we have been meeting bi-weekly and collecting information from across the industry and academic research groups, but we haven’t even scratched the surface.
Aerial Robotics is a very dynamic environment. Each year, a new research platform is released, a new simulator is presented at ICRA/IROS, or developers try out new middleware (wink, wink). This means we are constantly catching up.
That’s why we are looking for your help! We have put together what we have so far in a GitHub project, and are now looking for help adding the missing parts!
Contributing is as easy as submitting a Pull Request! Check out the rendered site here and let us know what you think.
With from Kimberly, Ramon and the lovely contributors of the Aerial Robotics community group!