May 2024 Meetings Aerial Robotics

Here is the recording of yesterday with the presentation by Matej Karasek about Flapperdrones!

Here are the transcript and slides:
Aerial Robotics WG Meeting May 22 2024 - transcript and chat (166.3 KB)
Presentation slides Flapperdrones 22 May 2024 (4.6 MB)

We started the meeting with some announcements:

Also take a look at the new aerial robotic landscape website:

I also gave a reminder for the subcommittee todos and deliverables:

  • Conclusion The recommended environment that we want to develop is Ubuntu 22.04 - ROS2 Humble - Gazebo Harmonic
  • Indoor Navigation Indoor navigation by @mayank is continuing to try out aerostack2 Run Aerostack2 Gazebo example · Issue #66 · ROS-Aerial/community · GitHub
  • Simulation Determining a good simulation environment and vehicles for people to develop in (no issue or discussion created)
  • Documentation: Releasing more broader (linkedin/x) and handle all the PRs we are getting

Next meeting is a developer meeting on the 5th of June so I’ll start an separate Discourse thread for that!