Adding phidgets_drivers to ros-drivers

Dear ros-drivers owners!

I would like to move the phidgets_drivers repo to the ros-drivers GitHub org. It’s a mature and maintained driver for several Phidgets devices, mainly the popular Phidgets IMU. Would you accept this repo?

Some background: The repo was created in 2012 by Ivan Dryanovski and has been maintained since 2013 by @muhrix and me. Unfortunately, the original author went AWOL, and @muhrix and me have decided as a last resort to copy the repo to a new location so we can manage who has commit rights. The stack is currently released for Indigo, and since we’re preparing the Jade and Kinetic releases, we figured this would be a good time to switch. Indigo will continue to be released from the old location, and starting with Jade we’ll release from the new one.

If the stack is unfit for ros-drivers, we’ll move it somewhere else. But ros-drivers would be perfect, because it’s a safeguards against disappearing maintainers. :slight_smile:


+1 Sounds like a good idea to me, as long as you two are willing to continue maintaining and releasing it.

Assuming you are and that no one objects, I can create source and release repositories for you in ros-drivers and ros-drivers-gbp.

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We definitely are interested in maintaining and releasing it. If you could create those repos, that would be perfect! We’re @mintar and @muhrix on GitHub.

Today is a US holiday. Many folks are attending family gatherings, including me in a few minutes. So, I’ll probably wait until tonight or tomorrow, giving others a chance to contribute up-votes. I don’t seriously expect anyone to object, but it’s better to ask. :slight_smile:

+1 That sounds like a good plan to me.

Martin: I created two empty repositories:

You should be able to push your existing source and release repositories to them. Let me know if you find any permission problems.

Moving a released, maintained repository is a little tricky. I usually forget something. As a start, don’t forget to update:

  • all the relevant distribution.yaml files in rosdistro
  • tracks.yaml in your release repository’s master branch
  • source and bug report links in the various package.xml files

Maybe someone here will remember something I’ve forgotten.

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