Announcing Fast RTPS Support for LGSVL - Unity 3D

Hi All,

After some contacts with Autoware partners (thanks Adam), we have been told there is one issue between Fast RTPS & LGSVL. This issue is related to some duplicate exports in Fast RTPS and Unity3D related to OpenSSL. We are working with Unity3D to remove the duplicate exports, but in the meantime, here it is the fix:

Compile ROS 2 Dashing Diademata from sources with Unity support

To be able to use ROS 2 Dashing Diademata in Unity applications, you just need to follow the Dashing - Building ROS 2 on Linux instructions up to Build the code in the workspace.
Then, right before running colcon build, execute the following:

  1. Update Fast DDS version to v1.8.4

    cd ~/ros2_dashing/src/eProsima/Fast-DDS
    git checkout v1.8.4
  2. Create a file ~/ros2_dashing/colcon.meta with the following content:

        "names": {
            "fastrtps": {
                "cmake-args": [

After that, you can finish the building tutorial right from colcon build --symlink-install.

We will provide the compiled binaries for Linux along today

Let me know if you have any issues following these instructions. We will update this thread as we have more information.


Thank you Jaime, this is good news! I will test that once I get some bandwidth. I hope we also have Unity3D statement on the expected fix.

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As promised, the binaries:

Update ROS 2 Dashing Diademata Installation to Fast DDS v1.8.4

To update the Fast DDS version of your ROS 2 Dashing installation to Fast DDS v1.8.4 to support Unity applications under Linux x_86 64 bits you just need to:

  1. Download this zip file

  2. Extract the contents

  3. Copy the contents to your Dashing installation

    cp -P <path_to_extract_dir>/libfastdds/* <ros2_dashing_install_dir>

    If you installed ROS 2 Dashing from binaries, replace <ros2_dashing_install_dir> with /opt/ros/dashing/lib/.

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Hi @adamdbrw

They consider is a bug in their side, and they are fixing it:

Anyhow, you can use the binaries we provide for this problem in the meantime.


An update to anyone who finds this thread:
FastRTPS (now FastDDS) works fine with Unity3D with the LTS version, since quite some time now (we are using 2019.4.18f) and very likely with all the newer versions. We tested on Ubuntu 20.04.

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