We have a small sync for ROS 2 Dashing Diademata to correct a packaging issue with Fast-RTPS.
There are a few additional updates as well. At the current cadence there will likely be only one or two more Dashing syncs before the end of support for this distribution.
Package Updates for dashing
Note that package counts include dbgsym packages which have been filtered out from the list below
Added Packages [4]:
- ros-dashing-acado-vendor: 1.0.0-2
- ros-dashing-ament-acado: 1.0.0-1
Updated Packages [14]:
- ros-dashing-fastrtps: 1.8.4-1 β 1.8.4-3
- ros-dashing-rqt: 1.0.5-1 β 1.0.7-1
- ros-dashing-rqt-gui: 1.0.5-1 β 1.0.7-1
- ros-dashing-rqt-gui-cpp: 1.0.5-1 β 1.0.7-1
- ros-dashing-rqt-gui-py: 1.0.5-1 β 1.0.7-1
- ros-dashing-rqt-py-common: 1.0.5-1 β 1.0.7-1
- ros-dashing-rqt-reconfigure: 1.0.6-1 β 1.0.7-1
- ros-dashing-turtlebot3-fake-node: 2.2.1-1 β 2.2.2-1
- ros-dashing-turtlebot3-gazebo: 2.2.1-1 β 2.2.2-1
- ros-dashing-turtlebot3-simulations: 2.2.1-1 β 2.2.2-1
Removed Packages [1]:
- ros-dashing-rqt-py-common-dbgsym
Thanks to all ROS maintainers who make packages available to the ROS community. The above list of packages was made possible by the work of the following maintainers:
- Christopher Ho
- Dorian Scholz
- Michael Jeronimo
- Scott K Logan
- Steven! RagnarΓΆk
- Will Son