Dear ROS users,
We are happy to announce the release of two packages as result of the ROS-Industrial Focused Technical Project “Coverage Path Planning and Control”:
The Full Coverage Path Planner provides an implementation of the Backtracking Spiral Algorithm (BSA). The package provides a global planner plugin to the Move Base package .
The Tracking PID offers a tuneable PID control loop to accurately follow a trajectory for high and predictable performance.
If you are interested, tomorrow we will be presenting the packages at this ROSIN FTP Webinar.
Nice, I’m looking forward to try it on a real robot, also thanks for publishing.
However there are a few things I do not understand, e.g.
test_full_coverage_path_planner.launch: What is the meaning of these remaps?
<remap from="move_base/cmd_vel" to="/move_base/cmd_vel"/>
<remap from="odom" to="/odom"/>
<remap from="scan" to="/scan"/>
Is it supposed to drive outside the map when tool_radius > robot_radius?
I admit, after thinking about it, setting tool_radius > robot_radius is probably a bad idea…
Also to be honest I’ve hard time to understand what happens there when e.g. the controller publishes to /move_base/cmd_vel (Also the documentation for tracking_pid seems to say /cmd_vel).
Also I have some questions:
- Is there a way to limit the area to cover inside the map? (x,y,width,height)
- What is the reason the test is done with move_base_flex instead of move_base? Is it because it can run without a local planner to save resources?
- Does it react to obstacles in the local_costmap which are not in the global_costmap?