πŸŽƒ ROS News for the Week of 10/23/2020

Clearpath :jack_o_lantern: Carving Robot

ROS News for the Week of 10/19/2020




ROS Packages

ROS Questions

ROS Answers is like a bank; you need make deposits if you want to make withdrawals. Take an hour once a week to help someone out. They might help you out down the road.


Also, IROS is next week! Please let me know if you see a cool paper we should feature, ROS or otherwise. It is really hard for us working folks to go through all the papers and I would love to provide the community with a summary of some of the highlights.

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The introduction to the Navigation2 system is being presented at IROS 2020. Even since submitting that paper, we have a ton of new features! I hope folks watch it and leave some good questions for me to answer!

The preprint version can be found here on Arxiv.


Thanks for links, I registered for the ROS WORLD

Many thanks for a great summary!

The link * ROS Agriculture is looking for Videos . Seems to point to the previous one about a new RMW. Here is a target link: https://discourse.ros.org/t/what-can-robots-do-in-agriculture/

Update now that IROS 2020 has gone live:

I encourage you all to register for IROS 2020 (free) and make sure to check out the Navigation2 paper. It is a finalist for the RoboCup Best Paper Award and part of the judgement criteria may be the number of views and β€œthumbs up”. I’d appreciate it if you all watched the video and upvote to help push ROS2 elements as winning high-profile academic awards. It would be nice, if you feel compelled, to share with your colleagues.

Link to registration: https://www.iros2020.org/ondemand/signup

Link to login: https://www.iros2020.org/ondemand/

Link to Nav2 video: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/steve-macenski-41a985101_iros-iros2020-ros-activity-6726026457656778752-6hd1

Link to LinkedIn post to share: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6726026457656778752/

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