Dear Robotics Enthusiasts,
This letter is to announce the official start of our annual Agile Robotics for Industrial Automation Competition (ARIAC) call for participation!
Do you have what it takes to be the best of the best to test the agility of industrial robotics systems, with the goal of enabling industrial robots on the shop floor to be more productive and autonomous? Then, prove it by being the top participating team with your innovative solutions to the problems posed by the ARIAC 2020 Competition. Robotics enthusiasts from all over the world are invited to participate in this simulation-based competition.
Our intention is for ARIAC 2020 to continue to be a prize competition with the same prizes we had in the past years. So, are you up to the challenge? Please follow the steps to register here.
For more details regarding the ARIAC 2020, please visit NIST website.
Best of Luck to everyone!
Murat Aksu
Electronics Engineer
Intelligent Systems Division
National Institute of Standards and Technology
100 Bureau Drive, Stop 8230
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8230