ARIAC code release updates

Changes to ARIAC software

Version 2.1.4 (4 April 2018)

  1. Fixed bug with box being spawned on competition start. This issue, which would occur occasionally for some participants, should now be resolved.
  2. Updated shipping box collisions. The external walls of shipping boxes have been widened to make this issue, where boxes would fall into the conveyor belt, less likely to occur. The internal dimensions of the boxes are unchanged.

Changes to ARIAC documentation

4 April 2018

  1. Gazebo version 8.4 required. The system requirements have been updated to highlight that Gazebo 8.4 is required to avoid issues with state logging recording/playback. If you are experiencing slow simulations with state logging enabled, or freezes when you try to playback state logs, please upgrade your gazebo installation.
  2. Agility challenge page added. This page has been added, which summarizes the released agility challenges, including additional details on the “sensor blackout” challenge.