August 2019 Meeting Notes and Thomas Moulard Talk's slides link

We experienced an issue joining the meeting when the meeting reached 10 attendees. I’m investigating the issue and looking for other alternatives (other than Google Hangouts).

The meeting agenda:

  1. Talk by Thomas Moulard from AWS (30 mins). Details below

  2. Discussion and questions (10 mins)

  3. Energize Code Review in ROS: update on ROS2 pilot (10 mins)

  4. Discuss next quality initiative (10 mins)

Thomas Moulard talk: The link to the slides.

Energize Code Review in ROS (update on ROS2 pilot):
Ridhwan provided an update on the progress of updating the PR templates for ROS2 repositories subject to the pilot of code review. The ROS2 repositories subject to the pilot listed below:

  1. ament/ament_lint
  2. ros2/rcl
  3. ros2/rclcpp
  4. ros2/ros2cli

The PR templates for these repositories gone through few updates iterations. It is expected after one additional iteration, the updates will be merged.

Discuss next quality initiative:
The question whether another initiative should be started was asked to the group and discussed. There was a consensus that we should focus on getting the current in-progress initiatives (i.e. “Making ROS Quality Packages visible” and the Code review for ROS 2) implemented first before commencing other initiatives.

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