Autonomy Software Working Group meeting 20200128

The next meeting of the Autonomy Software Working Group will be on Tuesday, January 28, 2020 3:00 PM (TZ).

This will be the last meeting before the due date for Milestone 1, so it is quite an important meeting. Anyone with issues assigned to them, please attend.

Starting from this meeting we will also be confirming that each participant is able to run the Autoware.Auto + LGSVL system. Please make sure you have everything working locally, and if you run into a problem then file an issue at GitLab so we can fix the bug or improve the documentation. Having this stuff work out of the box is a major goal of this work.

Can I talk about requesting to setup a new repo under the autoware organization for the model zoo? This will enable me to put in place the basic structure to start collecting models.

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Minutes for the meeting are available. Please check and follow up on any assigned tasks.