I’m an engineer with Amazon and we’ve been working to launch a new service called AWS RoboMaker, announced at AWS re:Invent Midnight Madness last night.
The service helps you develop, simulate, test, and deploy ROS applications. I would love to hear your feedback about the service.
EDIT: Fixing youtube link, adding additional video
So we’ve been working with the folks at Open Robotics to get full Gazebo support for ROS2, which I believe is there now. We also have engineers working on ROS2 in other areas such as logging and security and now that we’ve launched, I look forward to focusing on getting ROS2 “production grade” and fully supported.
Hi @coleray, It is a very interesting project.
I was so curious about this contents, I used virtual simulation and I was able to work in a very nice development environment.
Thank you so much.
RoboMaker currently supports ROS1 Kinetic. We are actively contributing to ROS2 development and will support ROS2 Crystal shortly after its launch mid-December. We view ROS2 as the platform of choice for true commercial applications starting mid-December
Our latest announcement on this just happened today.
In a partnership with the AWS Machine learning teams, AWS has launched Deep Racer, a car running ROS in RoboMaker that can be trained to drive on a track using AWS SageMaker reinforcement learning then deployed out to a physical car on a physical track.
There will be competitions hosted several times a year. You can learn more here:
We’ve open sourced the Deep Racer:
We’ve also open sourced an Object Tracker application that runs on Turtlebot:
@adamd, do you know if the code running onboard the car has been / will be open sourced? I see packages like deepracer_launcher, webserver_pkg, ctrl_pkg, etc, but I can’t find their source under AWS Robotics · GitHub or anywhere else.