Check out AWS RoboMaker

Hello all,

I’m an engineer with Amazon and we’ve been working to launch a new service called AWS RoboMaker, announced at AWS re:Invent Midnight Madness last night.

The service helps you develop, simulate, test, and deploy ROS applications. I would love to hear your feedback about the service.


EDIT: Fixing youtube link, adding additional video


Looks interesting. Glad that it is having full support for ROS and Gazebo.

Very interesting. Only one question: Do you know if is also for ROS2 or is it mandatory to use ROS?

It’s fabulous, is Amazon looking forward to hire intern to work on this project ?

I’m in

Plus it would be great if support for ROS2 is available, and SWARM robotic system support would be biggest plus point in industrial applications.

So we’ve been working with the folks at Open Robotics to get full Gazebo support for ROS2, which I believe is there now. We also have engineers working on ROS2 in other areas such as logging and security and now that we’ve launched, I look forward to focusing on getting ROS2 “production grade” and fully supported.

I forgot to mention, the team is doing a Reddit AMA today at 2 PM PT.

Great work, this is an exciting step for ROS! I particularly like the xscreen support for things like RQT, shown in the tutorial.

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Thanks for your hard work! This looks really interesting and I can’t wait to have a go at it!

Very exciting times! Thanks @coleray for sharing.

Hi @coleray, It is a very interesting project.
I was so curious about this contents, I used virtual simulation and I was able to work in a very nice development environment.
Thank you so much. :slight_smile:

The YouTube link seems too have been broken. Update the link?

Seems like they will be supporting ROS 2 soon: Reddit - Dive into anything

RoboMaker currently supports ROS1 Kinetic. We are actively contributing to ROS2 development and will support ROS2 Crystal shortly after its launch mid-December. We view ROS2 as the platform of choice for true commercial applications starting mid-December

Our latest announcement on this just happened today.

In a partnership with the AWS Machine learning teams, AWS has launched Deep Racer, a car running ROS in RoboMaker that can be trained to drive on a track using AWS SageMaker reinforcement learning then deployed out to a physical car on a physical track.

There will be competitions hosted several times a year. You can learn more here:

We’ve open sourced the Deep Racer:

We’ve also open sourced an Object Tracker application that runs on Turtlebot:


Sorry, I don’t know what happened there, I’ve updated with a new link.

Getting started with AWS RoboMaker

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Can we get one of those shipped to Germany?


$250 for a turn-key ROS ground vehicle, that’s hard to resist.

  • Mark West

@adamd, do you know if the code running onboard the car has been / will be open sourced? I see packages like deepracer_launcher, webserver_pkg, ctrl_pkg, etc, but I can’t find their source under AWS Robotics · GitHub or anywhere else.

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Now it is :slight_smile: AWS DeepRacer is now open source and ready to hit the road with ROS 2 | AWS Open Source Blog