Looking for ROS users to evaluate cloud robotics platform

Hey ROS users!

I am looking for (about 5-6) proficient ROS users who can carry out a thorough evaluation of a cloud robotics platform. This will be an open ended evaluation, but loosely describing, you would need to run the ROS beginner tutorials on our platform and log your experience / feedback in detail. You will be compensated for your time.

HMU if you are willing to participate!

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Update on 28-Jan-2021: Still looking for about 4 users.

@shash91 I would like to give you my feedback
Send me details about the task

Hi @shash91 ! I would like to participate. Could you send me more details? jginesclavero@gmail.com Thank you!

Thanks for the response, I have mailed you the details

Hey @shash91 , this sounds interesting! Can you please send me more details (shrut.g@gmail.com)? We could discuss further. Thank you.

I can do it for you / with you. Send me details abt it on: filip.m.jarecki@gmail.com

Hi @shash91, is that an alternative to AWS RoboMaker? I would like to participate and test if possible. ruotolovincenzo94@gmail.com