DDS for Unity

I would like to present the open source package “DDS for Unity”. It is available here and developed by me (Confirmat) and Flanders Make.

This package adds DDS capability to Unity. This has been written to couple digital twins and simulators, made in Unity, with ROS2.

This has succesfully been used with Unity as simulator to test controllers deployed in ROS2 (closing the control-loop with Unity application as the simulated hardware). Furthermore mobile platforms have been simulated in Unity being driven from ROS. Cameras setup in Unity stream compressed jpeg-video to ROS2.

An executable Unity-program (for Windows 10) is added to the repository, called TurtleTopics, which can be used as an example to communicate with ROS2. It is the pimped-up version of the TurtleSim application we know and love from ROS.

It is based on Vortex DDS from ADLINK.


Very cool. Great work!

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Forgot this one: TurtleSim Unity3D style - moving turtle with ROS2-topic - YouTube