Introducing distance_map, a ROS package to convert OccupancyGrid
& Costmap2D
to 2D distance map.
While there exists several implementations for 3D distance map (a.k.a. distance field) (e.g. in moveit, grid_map, voxblox) it seemed more complicated than necessary to get anything done in 2D. Especially when it comes to integrating it with ROS navigation stack. For this reason we developed the distance_map
package(s) that offer,
- ‘conversion’ from
- ‘conversion’ from
to ROS messagedistance_map_msgs::DistanceMap
- exact/near un/signed Euclidean distance map (OpenCV / Dead Reckoning algorithm)
- gradient computation
- Rviz visualization
- a small interactive tool to introspect a distance map.
This is all available on github (see link above) and we are looking forward to hear your feedback and how you may use this package !