Does Turtlebot 3 supports Kinect

Hello my friends, I’m interested at ROS for like 1 year and now we want to do something about robotics. That why decided to get Turtlebot for it. Now Turtlebot has launched but I didn’t find about this question. Does Turtlebot 3 supports Kinect for SLAM ?

I would check on This is a question which has a specific answer and probably belongs there. One answer is

Another possibility is to do a google search (“Does ROS support the kinect sensor”).

I am not sure that the Kinect will work on the Raspberry Pi.

I don’t have a Kinect so I can’t experiment with it.


The Kinect works fine with the Raspberry pi 3 and slam although using gmapping is very slow
I have to do that on a desktop then transfer the map to the robot.