Awesome TurtleBot3 Projects like BallBot Project

Hello ROS users!

TurtleBot3 is open hardware platform and fully compatible with ROS.
It is released in June, last year and has been interested from a lot of peoples, such as students, researchers, makers, and hobbyists.

So, I was wondering, what would people who bought the TurtleBot3 do with it?
I found some awesome projects with TurtleBot3 on Youtube.
(The order is not important.)

[BallBot Project using the TurtleBot3 by Technische Universität Darmstadt]

[GdR TurtleBot Challenge 2018 - Final Match - “Monka” vs. “Ninja Turtle”]

[Voice Teleop Test]

[Controlling TurtleBot3 from Windows using NEP]

[TurtleBot3 follows DashGo]

[Running TurtleBot3 on AWS]

[Hector SLAM]

[Autonomous exploration]

[Autonomous radiation mapping]

[CARMA radiation hotspot mapping and avoidance]

[Apply Q-Learning to Obstacle Avoidance]

[Turtlebot3 Maze Solving]

If you have been doing your project with TB3,
you could share it what you make it :slight_smile: