Education Working Group Meeting Agenda for 2023-09-13

Education Working Group Meeting 2023-09-13

Hi Everyone,

Our next Education working group meeting is scheduled for [2023-09-13T15:00:00Z] . This will be another planning meeting as we start to ramp the working group up, and it will most likely be fairly short.

Meeting Details:

Please add the ROS Community Calendar to your calendar.

Date and Time: [2023-09-13T15:00:00Z2023-09-13T16:00:00Z]

ROS Education Working Group
Wednesday, September 13 · 8:00 – 9:00am
Time zone: America/Los_Angeles
Google Meet joining info
Video call link:
Or dial: ‪(US) +1 928-569-0151‬ PIN: ‪855 775 002‬#
More phone numbers:


  • [Kat | 1 min] Introduction
  • [Kat | 5 min] Recap working group goal:
    • The goal of the ROS Education Working Group is to create a set of course materials for undergraduates that teaches the fundamentals of the Robot Operating System, and where necessary, aspects of robotics theory. These course materials will be compatible with ROS’s open-source development philosophy, and must be:
      • Easily and frequently updated to the latest ROS distro
      • Support contributions from the open-source community
      • Based entirely on open-source hardware and software
      • As much as possible be platform independent
      • Permissively licensed and support the creation of derivative works
    • Further Clarification: This working group WILL NOT BE TEACHING ROS DIRECTLY, we’re building the materials that others can use to teach ROS. If you believe this is a study group, you are mistaken.
  • [Kat | 2 min] Briefly recap last meeting for new attendees
  • [Kat | 5min] New google group for discussions:
  • [Kat | 2 min] Would someone like to volunteer as a scribe / note taker?
    • The note taker must be able to:
      • Attend each meeting
      • Take notes about what is discussed, action items, and responsible parties.
      • Post the notes in the Discourse thread immediately after each meeting.
      • If you are interested please REPLY IN THIS THREAD BELOW
  • [Kat | 30min] Updates from committee chairs (this should be committee organizing and survey review time)
    • Content [Glenn Fitton (@glenfitton) | 10-15min]
    • Sandbox [Jack Pien (@jackp510) | 10-15 min]
    • Platform [David Lu!! (@DLu) |10-15 min]
  • [Kat| 1min] Next meeting – 2023-09-28T15:00:00Z
  • [Kat | 1 min] Introduction

  • [Kat | 5 min] Recap working group goal:

  • [Kat | 5min] New google group for discussions:

    • You may need to opt in to the group using the initial e-mail.
    • You should have gotten an email with the title “Next ROS Education Working Group Meeting 2023-09-13”
    • If not please e-mail
  • [Kat | 2 min] Would someone like to volunteer as a scribe / note taker?

    • The note taker must be able to:
      • Attend each meeting
      • Take notes about what is discussed, action items, and responsible parties.
      • Post the notes in the Discourse thread immediately after each meeting.
      • If you are interested please REPLY IN THIS THREAD BELOW
  • [Kat | 30min] Updates from committee chairs (this should be committee organizing and survey review time)

    • Content [Glenn Fitton (@glenfitton) | 10-15min]
    • Sandbox [Jack Pien (@jackp510) | 10-15 min]
      • Group sign up
      • Jack will ping the group to confirm that you have signed up.
      • That e-mail will also include another survey on how the group will collaborate / meet shortly.
    • Platform [David Lu!! (@DLu) |10-15 min]
      • David was absent, no updates.
  • [Kat| 1min] Next meeting – 2023-09-28T15:00:00Z


This might be interesting! Hope I’ll join you, although is a little bit of stretch for me at that particular hour.

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