Education Working Group Introductory Meeting
Hi Everyone,
A little over a week ago I proposed that we create a new ROS education working group and sent out a survey to figure out when we should meet.
Apparently the education working group is a popular idea! I got sixty-six responses from educators on almost every continent! That’s great! It means we should have enough people to break out into smaller committees and work in parallel.
Looking at the responses, early mornings PST were a preferable time! Unfortunately, that just so happens to also be when most of my meetings are already scheduled (e.g. the ROS 2 TSC meeting). I propose that we schedule our first meeting for Wednesday, 2023-08-16T15:00:00Z, and our second meeting for Wednesday, 2023-08-30T15:00:00Z. Generally, we’ll shoot for Wednesday mornings but I will have to adjust with my schedule.
Events are now on the OSRF calendar.
- Video call link:
- Or dial: (US) +1 617-675-4444 PIN: 686 667 710 8732# More phone numbers:
- Video call link:
- Or dial: (US) +1 617-675-4444 PIN: 299 743 216 2077 – More phone numbers:
The agenda for the first meeting is as follows:
- [10 min | All] Brief introductions (30s or less)
- [10 min | Kat] Present proposed sub-projects
- [20 min | All] Discuss sub-projects
- [20 min | All] Create sub-project committees
- Need a core group of 2-3 people to lead and own development under the committee. Hope is committee will grow over time.
- We’re in the requirements generation phase! Committees should plan on creating a survey to help them gather data by the next meeting. We can integrate surveys into a single survey next meeting.
- Committees should also plan on brainstorming lists of different approaches to solve their core question.
- Core Platform Development (aka platform committee)
- What does good, maintainable, open-source, content look like?
- GOAL: Specification of the file formats and organizational structure for educational content.
- Answer questions like: Do we use a LMS? Do we use markdown files, Latex, or something else? Do we create slides (Google, Powerpoint, Beamer, Markdown?)
- Must address forking,
- Semester of Robotics with ROS (aka content committee)
- What are we going to cover, and in what order?
- GOAL: Create a list of topics to cover ranked by importance, relevance to the most number of educators.
- Focus should be on ROS content, but how much “introductory engineering” and theory do we need to cover? What’s the right balance?
- Define and Build “Student Sandbox” (aka sandbox committee)
- What would a good student sandbox look like? Do students install ROS on their machine? Get a Docker container? SSH into a pre-configured machine? How would students move from their sandbox to a real robot.
- GOAL: Create a specification for a student sandbox that:
- Is easy to maintain, upgrade, fork, and modify
- Works well with the “Core Platform”
- Is capable of supporting the “semester of robotics”
- Can easily toggle between a simulation and arbitrary real hardware.