February 2024 Meetings Aerial Robotics

I’d like to open up a discussion on how we can use MicroROS for REP-147 when some of the messages are overkill for embedded. I filed an issue on ros-infra/rep: REP-147 mandating covariances in messages is too much data for embedded · Issue #392 · ros-infrastructure/rep · GitHub

PX4 has the current approach of using uORB messages which are perfect for embedded, but those provide no ABI stability within an LTS ROS distribution. They also only work on PX4, which makes autopilot-agnostic development in ROS more burdensome.

Is there a middle ground between the two approaches that allows ROS developers to follow ROS conventions while avoiding wasting resources on embedded?

The lack of common interfaces that make sense for embedded make implementing some of the terrain navigation features in an autopilot-generic way quite difficult.

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