June 2024 Meetings Aerial Robotics

Hi all!

Next week we will have another developer meeting.

Meeting link: meet.google.com/vqa-nwxg-jkt
Also see the community calendar .


  • 1- Intro and Announcements
  • 2- Subcommittees, past present future
  • 3- Discussion points
    • Aerial Robotic landscape, what is missing?
    • Feedback on current structure of dev meetings
  • 4- Conclusion
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Hi all, sorry for the delay but here is the recording of last week’s meeting.

Here are the summary notes, chat, transcripts and slides
Aerial Robotics WG Meeting June 5 2024 - summary, chat, transcript.pdf (208.5 KB)
Aerial Robotics WG Meeting June 5 2024 (530.8 KB)

I’ll announce the next meeting on the 19th of June later this week.

Hi all!

Next week we will have a presentation meeting! Khalid Elmadawi is a
Senior Software engineer at Sigma Embedded Engineering. He will be talking about their new Aerial Robotics platform in their presentation called ‘New Generation of Flight Controllers’

See you all there!

Meeting link: meet.google.com/vqa-nwxg-jkt
Also see the community calendar .

Mind that we will be having a summer break for the rest of the meetings since me and Ramon won’t be able to host them and we don’t have any guest speakers.

This means no meetings in July and August and the next one will be in September. So don’t miss this last meeting before the summer!


For anyone missed last presentation, this is the recording:

Aerial Robotics WG Meeting June 19 2024.pdf (254.9 KB)
ROS_AERIAL SEE-EG Drone Team final.pdf (1.3 MB)

Thanks Khalid for the presentation!

So as announced during the meeting, we will have a summer break, so no meetings in both July and August so the next one will be on the 11th of September. Ofcourse we can still continue to communicate here on discourse and the #cwg-aerial channel of the Open Robotics discord server to work on any fun summer projects! :sunflower: :sun_with_face: :helicopter: