Start Up Meeting Aerial Robotics WG

For the aerial robotics working group proposal done earlier today, here is the date proposal for the startup/kickoff/first official meeting for the community working group.


Due to the latest changes to the event calendar handling I’ll just wait a bit before adding this to the community calender until nobody has clear objections to the proposed date :).

Agenda (outdated, see below)

  • Look and comment on proposal content
  • Brainstorm for the aerial robotics landscape topics
  • Brainstorm for subprojects (any that are of importance now? any that we can form later?)
  • Technicalities working group:
    – Frequency and content meetings
    – Communication channels
    – Member registration

Hi all! The meeting is already tomorrow but based on the input of the latest discourse discussions I’ve got here an updated agenda. I put the technicalities for the workgroup on top, since it is most important to converge on the way that we will organize each other.

Let me know if you have comments or else, see you tomorrow!

Updated Agenda:

  • Technicalities for the working group
  • Any comments on workshop proposal content (read this thread, or more detailed description here)
  • Discussion on the definition of an autonomous aerial stack (see this thread)
  • Brainstorm for the (remaining) aerial robotics landscape topics
  • Anything to share?

Hey everyone we had a great meeting today thanks for joining us, and special thanks go to @KimMcG for putting the meeting together and leading the call.

Here’s a quick summary of what we discussed:

  • We agreed on a few meeting technicalities, the scope of the WG, recurring meeting schedule, and meeting format
  • The first goal of the WG is to create a robotics landscape

A meeting recording will be available soon, and here’s a link to the slides which were updated during the call with comments from everyone.


For those of you who are planning to participate, here are the next action items for you.


Here is the recording, the chat content and the autogenerated transcript.

Aerial Robotics WG meeting (2023-04-26 16_04 GMT+2).pdf (58.8 KB)
Aerial Robotics WG meeting (2023-04-26 16_04 GMT+2) - Transcript.pdf (171.6 KB)