February 2024 Meetings Aerial Robotics

  • Great insights from @tfoote on the origins of REP-147 and alternative processes we could take an iterative adoption approach rather than a big design effort and certification standard
  • @mrpollo had valuable lessons learned on how the MAVLink governance model and work can be re-used
  • @Jaeyoung-Lim had a well-received proposal on how to make measurable progress on this effort by solving small problems
  • @dagar had great information on how companies are using uORB in products now and how they deal with the message instability in PX4
  • @botmayank raised some great questions about how MAVlink addresses some of the issues of product-specific customizations
  • As, always @KimMcG did an excellent job hosting

Thank you all for attending.

As promised, I opened up a new ROS discourse thread to seek thoughts on which use case we want to solve a problem. Please suggest alternatives or vote on an existing one. See below: