Hi All,
After a one month hiatus the February ROS quality assurance working group meeting will take place on 2021-02-04T15:00:00Z → 2021-02-04T16:00:00Z . For this event we’ll be talking about RMW performance evaluation, and we plan to have two related talks on the subject. The first short talk will be Tobias Kronauer talking about his recent paper, “Latency Overhead of ROS2 for Modular Time-Critical Systems”. Dovetailing nicely with that work is the ROS 2 Galactic RMW Selection Report that I co-wrote with other members of the Open Robotics team. It should be an interesting discussion on how to test and evaluate the performance of RMW implementations.
I will try to record the event for those who can’t make it.
Speaker Bio
Tobias Kronauer is a software developer working at the Connected Robotics Lab of the Barkhausen Institut in Dresden, Germany. We do research on secure IoT systems regarding OS, scalable HW/SW components, privacy, and wireless connectivity. At the Connected Robotics Lab, we build demonstrators showcasing current research results - in this case, platooning cars with and without interconnectivity.
Paper Abstract
Especially in tight real-time control loops, latency in data processing and communication can lead to instabilities. As ROS2 encourages splitting of the data-processing pipelines into several modules, it is important to understand the latency implications of such modularization. In this work we investigate the end-to-end latency of ROS2 data-processing pipeline with different Data Distribution Service(DDS) middlewares. In addition, we profile the ROS2 stack and point out latency bottlenecks. Our findings indicate that end-to-end latency strongly depends on the used DDS middleware. Moreover, we show that ROS2 can lead to 50 % latency overhead compared to using low-level DDS communications. Our results imply guidelines for designing modular ROS2 architectures and indicate possibilities for reducing the ROS2 overhead
I hope to see you all there!
Meeting Details:
Phone Numbers
(US)[+1 617-675-4444]
PIN: 456 561 685 9668#
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