Proposal for ROS 2 Production Working Group

In the October 2023 Technical Steering Committee meeting, representatives from iRobot presented on the topic of “Scaling ROS 2 for Production”, where issues regarding the current state of ROS 2 in how it manages developer cost, product quality, stability, and performance were addressed, and new ideas were proposed. The general consensus from the meeting feedback was that a working group could be formed to dedicate planning and resources towards implementing solutions to this agenda. Thus, here is the proposal:

Context: ROS 2 is a great software framework that enables efficient research, quick prototyping, and access to a community of open-source robotics projects. However, the challenge remains for issues concerning scaling ROS 2 usage for a production robot. In a production-oriented environment, quality control is a necessary requirement, therefore, any regression in the build, or stability of code on the robot, or in its performance can have major consequences. In addition, if an underlying change in the ROS 2 code significantly affects the overall build time or developer cost for integrating into robotics products, then it may impact a developer or company’s bottom line. These are concerns that make ROS 2 limited and difficult to incorporate in larger-scale production use cases.

Mission Statement: Affirm ROS 2’s commitment as an infrastructure for scalable deployment and production of robotics products by prioritizing and coordinating efforts to address concerns of Developer Cost, Stability, Quality Control, and Performance.

Key Topics to Cover:
• ROS 2 Build Farm & Statistics
• CICD & Testing Coverage
• Release schedule requirements
• Performance Evaluation & Regressions
• RMW Relationship
• Architecture Improvements
• Documentation

• Early-detection / resolution of regressions in build time, performance, and stability
• Support for physical testing as part of CI before release
• Improved capacity for developer tuning / configuration
• Stricter requirements for RMW tier support to address testing and stability
• Accessible documentation for advanced or optimized production use cases

Group expectations:
• Bi-weekly or monthly meetings to discuss solutions to address above agenda
• Define tasks and github issues related to implementing solutions
• Recruit and assign owners and resources for completing tasks
• Align agenda and task(s) timeline with ROS 2 release schedule

Call for Participation:
If you are interested in updates or participating in working group meetings, please fill out the following google form survey:

If you have any feedback on the content or direction of this proposed working group, please feel free to write a comment on this post or in the above survey. We will send a follow-up notification to organize the first meeting launch date and time.


I approve this effort. There might be some overlap with other working groups (e.g. the middleware working group), but that’s only natural.

Is your intent here to create a community working group or a ROS 2 TSC working group? The minor differences are outlined here.

Once you’ve gotten your working group ducks in a row please shoot me an e-mail / PR to set up the necessary resources. I’ve put together this rough guide to setting up a working group.


I believe this working group proposal has merits to be a ROS2 TSC working group. I will begin setting up the items mentioned in the guide you linked.


In last week’s TSC meeting, this working group proposal was approved to form a TSC working group!

I’ve created a google group for the ROS 2 Production Working Group and invited all those who have already responded to the above google form. If you filled out the form but did not receive an invitation to join, please check your spam folder. Otherwise, you may find the google group and request to join at the following link:

Please look forward to more updates and announcements soon as we set things up and schedule our first meeting!

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