There was a break in behaviour in rviz 1.12.14 released into kinetic and lunar where ROS messages containing unnormalised or uninitialised quaternions were rejected. This caused a number of plugins to not show visuals e.g. markers.
rviz 1.12.15 allows messages with invalid quaternions to be processed again. Unormalised quaternions will generate a console warning.
Publishers of invalid quaternions should be updated to publish valid quaternions, as rviz will reject invalid quaternions 1 year from now. See for the discussion. Add log4j.logger.ros.rviz.quaternions=DEBUG
to $ROS_ROOT/config/rosconsole.config
to see more detailed messages.
rviz 1.12.15 has not yet been synced into the main ros apt repo but will be available from the testing repo once the distro’s rebuild has completed. Check (and lunar equivalent) to know when rviz 1.12.15 is released into the main repo. (@tfoote @marguedas as this breaks users, if it’s appropriate to sync earlier than normal that would be appreciated).