Franka Emika <-> Agile Robots

For the information of those concerned about Franka Emika financial problem

According to German Financial Newspaper “HandelsblattAgile Robots “takes over” Franka Emika for 28.5 million Euro. German Business Insider speaks of more than 33 million Euro. [Edit: Meanwhile Handelsblatt corrected their article to “over 30 million Euro” as well.]

Both companies are seated in Munich, Bavaria, Germany and have a DLR-background.

Correct wording should be found soon on the corresponding news website of the companies:


Thank you for the accurate information.
I apologize for causing anxiety to you with my post.

You’re welcome! I’m just interested in the topic wanted to share information. Not sure how accurate the information actually is.
(I already had to edit my initial post twice. First I found different sources for the price, so I added another news website. Then I realized that the link to the German Aerospace Center DLR was leading to their German, and not to their English website.)

I am happy that Agile Robots in their statement also used the verb “to take over” as I translated the German news into English, so my initial post seems to be correct (financial terms are sometimes tricky). As a non-native speaker, I am not 100% if my statement “takes over” is correct, or if I should rather say “is taking over” or quote the meanwhile published news article with the verb “acquires” … but maybe that’s a question for another blog (on English language, grammar, etc.) :wink:

Agile Robots AG acquires robotics specialist Franka Emika

Munich, 2.11.2023 – Agile Robots, a leading provider of robotics solutions for complex automation, headquartered in Munich, is taking over the business operations of Munich-based robotics specialist FRANKA EMIKA GmbH. The creditors‘ committee of insolvent FRANKA EMIKA had previously approved the corresponding agreement. Financial details of the transaction were not disclosed.

Oh, and to make this clear: No need to apologize, @Y.Shibata. Your post did not cause any anxiety to me. All fine.

thank you for sharing @ThiloZimmermann, quite informative

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