ROS News for the Week of 2/28/2022
Part four of our five part series on DARPA SubT came out this week. This edition covers Ignition Cloud Sim. [Part 1][Part 2][Part 3]
Starship Robotics had a pretty good week overall. They raised $42M, after just raising $57M. Last week they announced a partnership with a California grocery chain. Are they ready for prime time? Searching social media yields lots of posts by college students, like this one of a robot getting hit by a train. and this funeral for another fallen robot, or this traffic jam
- 2/28/2022 Pan-African Robotics Competition Applications Due
- 3/15/2022 - 3/17/2022 ROS-I Training
- 3/15/2022 - Construction Robotics at Mass Robotics
- 3/22/2022 NVIDIA GTC β Lots of Robot Talks
- 4/22/2022 Open Hardware Summit
- 5/10/2022 - 5/11/2022 Robotics Summit & Expo
- 5/23/2022 Workshop On Opportunities and Challenges with Autonomous Racing
- 4th International Workshop on Robotics Software Engineering 2022
- F1Tenth at ICRA 5/23/2022 β 5/27/2022
- 6/22/2022 β 6/23/2022 ROSCon France
- 9/14/2022 β 9/16/2022 We Robot Conference (Robot Ethics)
- KiwiBot Raises $7.5M
- Cloudsim: The Magic Behind DARPA SubT
- Gecko Robotics Raises $73M
- Otamatone Robot
- Autonomous Laptop
- Starship Robot vs. Train
- Starship Technologies raises $42M, after just raising $57M
- Mexico sending five Micro Robots to the Moon
- RL for Detecting Cracks in Concrete
- Geometry Learning for Robot Perception and Nav
- Mip-NeRF for 360 View Synthesis
- Foxglove V1.2.0
- RIOS Raises $28M
- ZDNet on Visual Teach and Repeat out of UC Berkeley
- Efficient Multi-Robot SLAM
- Robot Report Top February Stories
- Mummy Shooting Robot for Agriculture
- Third Wave and Ouster Partner Up
- Cookie Robot in San Francisco
- Hardware Interfaces WG First Meeting
- micro-ROS on RENESAS MCK-RA6T2
- Whatβs the Best ROS 2 Kit Robot
- 15 New 96 Updated Packages for Noetic
- Graceful Interface Depracation
- Quality Declaration Improvements
- Behavior Tree Workshop
- ROS MOOC from TUDelft
- Cool New Robot Map Service
- February HAWG Meeting
- Big Update to Ignition Citadel, Edifice, Fortress
- Ardupilot+Ignition Landing on Vehicle
- Preparing ROS application and simulation containers for AWS RoboMaker
- Getting Your Robot on ROS 2
- Nemesis Skid Steer Robot
- XT Drone Simulator
- A-LOAM LIDAR Odometry and Mapping Package
- Effortlessly Investigating Robot Anomalies at Greenzie
- YDLidar ROS Packages