Free simulation model - mobile robot with LiDAR and RGBD camera

Dear ROS community,

Couple of weeks ago I’ve posted an information about a launch of a new development platform for ROS - ROSbot 2.0. It’s a mobile robot platform with RPLiDAR A2, Orbecc Astra RGBD camera and CORE2-ROS controller with ASUS Tinker Board single board computer.

Recently we have introduced Gazebo simulation model of mentioned robot which allows you to test all of its functionalities and development capabilities. Simulation package is available here for free: .


To get your started we’ve prepared a set of ROS tutorials:

  1. ROS introduction
  2. Creating nodes
  3. Simple kinematics for mobile robot
  4. Visual object recognition
  5. Running ROS on multiple machines
  6. SLAM navigation
  7. Path planning
  8. Unknown environment exploration

I would appreciate if you could let me know your impressions from testing the simulation.


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