Frustrations With State Of Hobby ROS 2 Robotics

I have similar experience as @RobotDreams.

I had quite good results with ROS1, but trying to do anything with Create3 and ROS2 (Humble) slips into:

    1. Is it my lack of ROS2 experience ? (that it doesn’t work as expected)
    1. Is it some networking misconfiguration?
    1. Is it that the networking just doesn’t work?

Usually it is some combination of 2 and 3 which didn’t exist in ROS1. Doing some A/B testing with cyclone/fastdds and see if it works or not just takes too much time.

I’m at top of @Katherine_Scott ‘s tree but I’m still getting discouraged by ROS2.

Maybe we just need more people on board, but from seeing/interacting with the many questions on SO/ issues on github on any project ( create3, slam_toolbox, realsense, etc…) it seems there are more unsure ROS2 programmers than it was with ROS1…


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