Just sharing some updates about linorobot project. Five years after its first release, linorobot’s ROS2 port is finally out. If you’re planning to build your own ROS2 compatible robot (2WD, 4WD, Mecanum Drive) or looking for a simulation stack to run your experiments in Gazebo, you can check the repository out and let me know what you think.
The robot base runs on eProsima’s micro-ROS to expose the topics required in making the robot fully autonomous. The package contains launch files to help users easily integrate their DIY robot with Nav2.
Big thanks to the Nav2 and Gazebo team who have done a great job documenting the robot setup and ROS2 migration guide. Also to the micro-ROS community @pablogs for helping out with the issues while I was porting the robot base’s code to ROS2.