Graph RViz plugin

This is a RViz plugin to draw graphs from topics values.

We have tested it on Melodic but I’m pretty sure it will work on Kinetic too.

This package is much less sophisticated compared to PlotJuggler but it has the advantage of being integrated into RViz.

Feel free to open issues if you have problems or open merge requests if you want to fix the code or add new features!


We added a new panel that allows to plot histograms of sensor_msgs/Image topics:

It currently works with mono8 and mono16 images but it can easily be upgraded to support more images formats.

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This is very nice integration with rviz. Can the current UI support saving plots in different formats (jpg, png, svg) for later use ?

It’s possible to export graphs from the panel that allows to draw lines but not for the histogram panel.
It would be very easy to add; merge requests are welcome!

Yes that feature would be very helpful. Thanks