Move of Nav2 and MoveIt repositories at GitHub

yes, I would also have expected at least some community involvement as well.

And when the OP was posted, the changes were already (being) made, which seemed to make the whole thing a bit of a fait accompli.

I don’t pay – yet – but would like to see such large, even if just infrastructural, changes be more of a community process. The whole point of the discussion in Growing issue with ROS Documentation (unfortunately merged into that documentation thread) was the limited visibility the community has into what makes the OSRF/OSRA (now) tick and how much effort it all takes.

Out-of-the-blue announcements and actions like this one seem like they’re not helping making that any clearer: there still seems to be some invisible (benevolent) entity taking care of things behind the scenes without, apparently, any need for anyone else to care as many were probably not even aware that what @gbiggs posted was something that needed fixing.

If we want more people to care about the project, should we not give them an opportunity to (not) care, instead of just “hav[ing] some more [internal] discussions and post[ing] updates [when] we can”.