Installing Ubuntu 18.04 arm64v8 on Raspberry Pi 3

Yes there is need for 64 bit Ubuntu for RPI.

  1. Please find Mongo DB that is made for ARM and 32 bits - hard to find ? well … 32 bit version was killed a yer or two ago, so if You need good noSQL database You need 64 bit system, same with many other tools.
    32 bits are going to go to heaven not because rpi needs it (with 1 gig ram it does not).

64 bits are needed because every one around will not continue to develope 32 bit platform version just because there is one 32 bit board that may use it…
RPI is not the only microcomputer with GPIO, there are many “fruit” like boards, that work better, with better hardware, more RAM, possible SSD’s and so on…

I had to choose another board, because making Ubuntu 64 18.4 server working on rpi is problematic and not much straight forward.
For my project and production devices we use Odroid H2 , without fighting we can use any distro, and really powerful hardware.

So if there would be “easy way” ready to flash image i would use it. And just check how many people is looking for Ubuntu 18 64 bits server for ARM on forums… really many.