We created a new SD Card image with ROS + OpenCV built and installed on the latest Raspbian Stretch Lite 2018-03-13 release.
Jack “ROSbots Maker”
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We created a new SD Card image with ROS + OpenCV built and installed on the latest Raspbian Stretch Lite 2018-03-13 release.
Jack “ROSbots Maker”
Awesome! Thank you very much for the image and especially the fabric file!
You welcome! Wondering what project you will be using the image for. Love to learn!
Jack “ROSbots Maker”
Hi Jack,
Whats the default username and password for logging in.
I just booted up and
username: “pi”
password: “rosbots”
does not work.
Hey mate, the password is “rosbots!”
Unfortunately, my raspi shows “-bash: /home/pi/ros_catkin_ws/build/opt/ros/kinetic/share/rosbash/rosbash: Structure needs cleaning”
What should I do?
Compile the source codes from scratch?
Hi Jack,
I tried to install vrpn_client_ros using sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-vrpn-client-ros
but it tells me cannot locate the package. I am pretty sure that this package exists. Do you have any suggestions to solve this?
Many Thanks! Amazing Work! Wishing I could try it on my new project.
You’re a saint! I am going to see if I can’t you some more visibility.
Wow. Does this have any GUI built-in…? such as xfce or startx ??