Raspbian Stretch Lite + ROS + OpenCV Raspberry Pi Disk Image


We created a new SD Card image with ROS + OpenCV built and installed on the latest Raspbian Stretch Lite 2018-03-13 release.

Jack “ROSbots Maker”


Awesome! Thank you very much for the image and especially the fabric file!

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You welcome! Wondering what project you will be using the image for. Love to learn!

Jack “ROSbots Maker”

Hi Jack,

Whats the default username and password for logging in.
I just booted up and
username: “pi”
password: “rosbots”
does not work.

Hey mate, the password is “rosbots!”

Unfortunately, my raspi shows “-bash: /home/pi/ros_catkin_ws/build/opt/ros/kinetic/share/rosbash/rosbash: Structure needs cleaning”

What should I do?

Compile the source codes from scratch?

Hi Jack,
I tried to install vrpn_client_ros using sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-vrpn-client-ros but it tells me cannot locate the package. I am pretty sure that this package exists. Do you have any suggestions to solve this?

Many Thanks! Amazing Work! Wishing I could try it on my new project.

You’re a saint! I am going to see if I can’t you some more visibility.

Wow. Does this have any GUI built-in…? such as xfce or startx ??