Integration Service: WAN TCP Tunneling

Creating swarms of robots can be tough. Different systems have to communicate while wandering around separately in a spacious area. The obvious solution in such a situation is to use a WAN connection. Even so, one obstacle remains, which is the safe communication of the different systems through this connection.

What can come in handy here is the eProsima Integration-Service, as addressing such a problem is one of the most critical and powerful application cases of this tool.

Using a pair of eProsima Integration-Service instances, or System-Handles, one for each system, this scenario can be addressed with a secure TCP tunnel thanks to the SSL TCP capabilities of Fast-DDS. Integration Service acts as a gateway to translate each system to DDS over SSL-TCP, after which a proper configuration of the destination router and firewalls will allow the communication.

Check a nice and instructive example on how to use the Integration Service for a similar purpose, which illustrates how it can be configured to get the classic talker-listener ROS 2 example up and running over WAN communication!

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Looks interesting, I certainly try this out… However it says

‘Also, its router must enable NAT to forward the listening port to the server’.

In cases where you don’t have access the on site router to setup port forwarding.

In these cases i’ve had good success with these p2p VPN solutions, they also can connected p2p which avoids the use for a central VPN concentrator.

  • Makes everything machine look like their own their own Layer 2 LAN segment. Meaning the broadcast and multicast discovery protocols will work. Free for up to 100 devices.

’ A mesh p2p VPN network (no central VPN concentrator), can work with UDP hole punching.

seems to be the new standard for VPN’s within linux…