Interoperability Interest Group meeting October 2023

Hi there folks!

Thanks everyone for the great success of the previous Interoperability Interest Group with more than 60 attendees. If you missed it, you can still catch the recording here:

I’m happy to announce that the second OSRF Special Interest Group in Interoperability will be held on 2023-10-05T14:00:00Z again, in an effort to accommodate as many timezones as possible. Please join us at:

This time we will held the following presentation:

  • VDA5050 by Karsten Bohlmann, Head of Research & Development at ek-robotics.

This will be followed by some QA and discussions.

See you all next Thursday!



Hi Marco,

I missed the last meeting on 5th Oct discussing about VDA5050.
Just wondering if there’s a video recording that could be shared.


Here you go. Looks like we forgot to post it.

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I tried emailing the Google group address to receive future notifications about this interest group. However, the email bounced back due to the address not found. Is possible to update the email address and add me to the mailing address?


Thanks for the catch @selva!! Let me double check and get back to you on that.

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I too got a bounced mail when trying to subscribe.

Sorry for the delay in getting the video out. You can find a recording of the meeting here.

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