Hi there folks!
Thanks everyone for the great success of the previous Interoperability Interest Group with more than 60 attendees. If you missed it, you can still catch the recording here: https://vimeo.com/866899277.
I’m happy to announce that the second OSRF Special Interest Group in Interoperability will be held on 2023-10-05T14:00:00Z again, in an effort to accommodate as many timezones as possible. Please join us at: https://meet.google.com/tbi-dmyz-cbe.
This time we will held the following presentation:
- VDA5050 by Karsten Bohlmann, Head of Research & Development at ek-robotics.
This will be followed by some QA and discussions.
- Add this event to your calendar: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/event?action=TEMPLATE&tmeid=Y2xoamNjMW02cGlqZWI5ZzcxaWphYjlrY3BqM2ViOW82cGozY2I5aWNsaGpjY2IxY2NzajJjcjJjOCBteGdyZXlAaW50cmluc2ljLmFp&tmsrc=mxgrey%40intrinsic.ai
- If you wanna receive notifications about this Interest Group, sign up to our google group by sending an email to: osrf-sig-interoperability+subscribe@googlegroups.com
- Keep an eye on the github org for meeting notes, updates or related issues: osrf-sig-interoperability · GitHub
See you all next Thursday!