Java support for latest ROS Distributions

i am interested int what the current state of development of the ros java client library is.
since the newest ROS distribution that supports ros java is kinetic and it is running out of support early next year. also it is running only on Ubuntu 16.04 which is way outdated also. We would really like to work with ros java in our existing java robot infrastructure.

Hi @Jonas.Hecht,

Thanks for expressing your interest!
ATM there is no active development going on Rosjava. I’ve personally pushed forward some maintenance tasks to get a release that works at least with Melodic and newer Java / Gradle versions but I never got to complete it.

Getting a new release out is not super complicated, but it can be tedious. Some dependencies get deprecated or removed when you do the upgrades, so there are some slight changes and replacements that must be done. If you are interested in contributing, I can give you a few pointers on how to proceed, and maybe we can get the repositories in shape once again. WDYT?